Sunday, October 14, 2007

Traning Schedule Oct07 - Jan08

Finally the new training schedule, for the winter season. I will start now after some weeks out in holidays and also some weeks out of training due to wounds. The training schedule will be based again on the Hal Higdon Intermediate and on Advanced Half Marathon Training Programs. The last one I do, I don't follow it until the end due to several reasons: no time, some pains on the legs, and so on. This one I will try to follow it, but for sure that I can't do all the training at schedule day. So I will be happy if I can do all the trainings schedule for each week, even if I don't do it at right days.
This program will be some modified since last one because I start on the gym, 2 times a week, and so this will be included on this schedule. Here are my goals and the reasons to start on the gym.

Gym - cardio (bike, run, etc) and strength

Tempo Runs - This is a continuous run with a buildup in the middle to near 10-K race pace. A Tempo Run of 30 to 45 minutes would begin with 10-15 minutes easy running, build to 15-20 minutes near the middle, then 5-10 minutes easy toward the end. The pace buildup should be gradual, not sudden, with peak speed coming about two-thirds into the workout. Hold that peak only for a minute or two. I consider Tempo Runs to be the "Thinking Runner's Workout." A Tempo Run can be as hard or easy as you want to make it, and it has nothing to do with how long (in time) you run or how far. In fact, the times prescribed for Tempo Runs serve mainly as rough guidelines. Feel free to improvise. Improvisation is the heart of doing a Tempo Run correctly. from HalHigdon

Pace - A lot of runners look at my training schedules and ask, "What do you mean by 'pace?'" I mean "race pace," the pace at which you expect to run the half marathon. Some workouts are designed as pace runs to get you used to running the pace you will run in the race. In Week 10, for example, I ask you to do "5 m race pace." Hopefully that is self-explanatory, but I offer more directions in the weekly screens. You might want to do a short warm-up before starting each of these pace runs. from HalHigdon

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