Friday, September 29, 2006

Target Heart Rate (THR)

Target heart rate is the rate intervals to each person to do each kind of training. The defenition from wikipedia is:
Target Heart Rate (THR), or Training Heart Rate, is a desired range of heart rate reached during aerobic exercise which enables one's heart and lungs to receive the most benefit from a workout. This theoretical range varies based on one's physical condition, age, and previous training.
I use the this target zone calculator to find mine:
The formula about this calculator is just to find the maximum heart rate. You need to input the rest rate, the age, and male/female. The calculator founds the maximum rate and calculate the rate (in beats per minute) for each training target zone, using the follow mapping:

  • Healthy Heart (40-52%)
  • Easy (52-64%)
  • Aerobic (64-76%)
  • Anaerobic Threshold (76-88%)
  • VO2 Max (88-100%)

My maximum heart rate is 192, so my aerobic run is 138-156 and my anaerobic target zone is between 156-174. So I use to run the second half of my trainings in the anaerobic zone. I have to do more time a long run at weekends all the time in the aerobic pace.

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Calculate my maximum heart rate

I calculate my maximum heart rate with the simpler formula:
HRmax = 220 - age
But a most accurate formula is:
HRmax = 205.8 − (0.685 * Age)
Or another one:
HRmax = 214 - Age * 0.8

My heart rate - Aptonia CW700

Now I use regularly the Aptonia cw700 heart rate monitor on my trainings, and I find it a lot helpful. To the races I don't leave it with me, just to avoid some distraction or some problem that can occur with it and could cause me to loose some time. This is the only reason, because it is very comfortable.
With the use of the HRM, I found out that I use to run at a higher heart rate than the one I thought. On my regular runs, at the end of the day, I use to run between 40 and 50 minutes, sometimes 1 hour. The pace use to be some fast but far away of my maximum pace: I still can talk during the training. And the heart rate use to be always (in the second half) more than 80% and at the end sometimes reach the 90%. Before I have the HRM I thought that the pace was between 70% and 80%. But I fell fine with this heart rate.

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Friday, September 15, 2006

Running shoes

Buy your running shoes at Runnig Shoes.

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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Monday, September 04, 2006

Floating tranning week

I will now restart my old trainning schedule. but because I have not time to follow strictly the schedule I will try to do all the runs but without doing it at a fixed day, like it is marked on schedule. I will do, for instance, in one week that I have do do one long run, two free pace runs and one repetition trainning; I will do it not exacly by the order in the schedule, neitheir with the rest days in schedule but I will try do to all the runs. I know this is far way to following the schedule, but with my current free time this is the best I can do.

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