Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Chondromalacia - knee of runner

from atletas.net

To Chondromalacia, more known by knee of runner, is a sporting wound whose gradual form increase pain.

The symptoms of this illness are normally the pain or sensibility nearby or below the kneecap in the breaks frontal or lateral of the knee. The pain is gradual, generally in an alone knee, and increase during several weeks. To cartilagem of the patela - below the kneecap. erodes-itself, stayed as went a sandpaper, doing sounds of ground.

The causes of this illness can have that see with several factors, as: run about a slope or slope; do not carry out the heating correctamente; have the quadríceps too tense, weak or tired; kneel; have the jarrete tense or excessively strong; go up or come down stairs or slopes; stayed sat down by long hours; or to him run too fortress without the due heating.

The prevention of this illness does itself across of the adequate use of sapatilhas of run that insert well, using orthopedic for improve inserts him of the foot. Also it can avoid the sprouting of this illness performing a reduction of the activities ciclistas during the training, or a bigger rhythm with smaller resistance. Do a complete heating, without forget no part of the body, incluíndo exercises of strengthening of the quadríceps, lengthening them, as well like the jarretes and panturrilhas. Is going to bend too the knees.

The handling of this alone illness functions to obtain diagnose the illness well early, and begin at once it do him. Find his doctor, do a Ray-X for verify erodes of the surface of the articulation. The swimming or. run in the swimming pool. can help, as well like a kneepad with an opening for the kneecap.

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